
Davis, Christine: In 6th grade Justin Davis had a dream that a girl in his class was waiting for him outside his house; she was just standing there in his cul-de-sac in Lewisville, North Carolina. The next day that girl, Christine, turned around on the bus and started talking to him. They’ve been together ever since. In addition to being a cool part of her husband’s premonitions, Christine Davis works as an English instructor in Flagstaff, AZ where she now lives with the afore mentioned hubby and their two children, Jett and Cadence. She writes for the local Flagstaff Mom’s Blog, attends MOPS, goes to church, screams a bunch about the various failings of the current presidential administration, and most days seems pretty normal in public. She is also working on her first poetry collection. Her poetry can be found in Paragon Press’ special political issue, Snapdragon Journal, Clarion literary magazine, Four Ties Lit Review, and more.

Difalco, Salvatore: Sal Difalco lives in Toronto and is the author of Mean Season (Mansfield Press, 2015), a novel.

Good, Howie: Howie Good is the recipient of the 2015 Press Americana Prize for Poetry for his latest collection, Dangerous Acts Starring Unstable Elements.

Granillo, Gabriel Matthew: Gabriel Matthew Granillo is pursuing a B.S. in Journalism at Northern Arizona University. In 2015, he graduated with an A.A.S. in Audio Production Technologies from Scottsdale Community College. His fiction and poetry has been published in both print and online journals including Vortex and Postcard Poems and Prose. He currently lives in Flagstaff, Arizona.

Green, Maryann: Maryann stumbled out of the fog of San Francisco about twenty years ago and landed in the desert of Tucson, Arizona and she’s been in the Old Pueblo ever since.  When she’s not on stage, backstage, or writing for the stage, she’s molding young minds.

Greenberg, Rachel: Rachel Greenberg is a writer from the Baltimore area, currently living in San Diego. Her short fiction and reviews have appeared in Tethered By Letters, Shameless Magazine, Thoroughfare Literary Magazine, and San Diego Writers’ Ink.

Hagen, Athena: Athena Hagen is a multidisciplinary artfag, teaching artist, and craftsperson based in Tucson, Arizona. Hagen has worked extensively within the realm of professional stagecraft, theatre education, and alternative and street theatre from a very early age. Her costumes, masks, wigs and makeup designs have been worn on the stages of the Arizona Theatre Company, Geva Theatre Center, and Tucson’s annual All Souls Procession finale ceremony.

Her current focus is the development of several workshops which use simple, familiar means to explore themes of consent culture, personal and societal transformation, and grief.

Harris, Kyra: Kyra was raised in Turkey as a military brat and ingrained with the saying “diversity is the spice of life” and that’s how she lives her life. She loves travelling, swimming, and her job within student affairs.

Kane, Winter: The following film is from independent director, Winter Kane. Winter Kane is a visual artist focusing on cinematography and directing. She grew up immersed in musicals, classic films, John Hughes’ flicks and 90’s gold. Realizing she spent more time watching behind-the-scenes footage than the films themselves, Winter decided to step behind the camera. In her six years as a filmmaker, she has made dozens of short films, worked on web and TV series, music videos, has been cinematographer for two feature films (“Road Trip” (2013) and “Overwatch” (2015)), and was content director for “Eyes Upon Waking” (2017). She dreams of one day filming a soap opera on Mars. Just kidding. That sounds terrible. —,

Komor, Zoltán: ZoltánKomor is from Hungary and writes surreal short stories.  Some of his works have been translated to English, and published in Caliban Online, Thrice Fiction, The Phantom Drift, Bizarro Central, etc. Komor has three short story collections published by Burning Bulb Publishing, Morbid Books and StrangeHouse Books.

Livier, Zaira: Zaira Livier is currently the Regional Director in Southern Arizona for Prop 206. She began her organizing and advocacy career as the founder of Latinas for Bernie Sanders. Zaira is founder and current President of Progressive Minds of America at the University of Arizona where she majors in neuroscience with a minor in philosophy of mind. Zaira has also recently been elected president of Progressive Democrats of Southern Arizona (PDoSA) a club aimed at propagating Bernie’s progressive platform within the Democratic Party.

MacGugan, Joanna: Joanna MacGugan is a social historian hailing from central Massachuetts. She earned her Ph.D. in medieval studies from the University of Connecticut in 2019. Since leaving the ivory tower she has been involved in gun violence prevention and dabbled in freelance editing and writing. She is currently writing a book about social practices and literacy in late medieval Dublin.

Maluka, Daniel: Daniel is an English student at Ryerson University and he loves to draw.

Metzger, Chris: At a very young age Chris Metzger discovered he was not content to just color in the lines, he preferred blank paper to that of a coloring book.  With a formal training in animation, he enjoys working out quick punchy ideas with pen and paper and then digitally edits and colors them to create a final product. A recovering caricature artist, Chris currently works as as a web developer and enjoys dabbling in illustration on the side.

Moritz, Shane: Shane Moritz was born in Portland, Oregon and educated in Flagstaff, Arizona and Milledgeville, Georgia. He spent his formative years in Australia. His writing has been recognized by the Academy of American Poets and elsewhere. A prose poem about travel “Great Expectations” is forthcoming from a magazine in Uganda. He teaches writing in Baltimore, Maryland. He’ll tweet when he’s unwell.

Rapine, Sam: Sam Rapine is a firefighter/EMT, runner, and traveler who writes when nothing is on fire and nobody’s bleeding. Check out his work as Sam Rapine on MatadorNetwork, and as Owen Rapine on Flash Fiction Magazine and Everyday Fiction, and follow him @RiotousRapine!

Rivero, Judith: Judith Rivero is originally from Caracas, Venezuela and has lived in Tucson, Arizona for 20 years. She loves poetry,and singing. She enjoys watching her children grow, and her career in healthcare.

Schlosberg, Julius: Julius Schlosburg came to Tucson in 2011 from Baltimore, where he was a member of the local jazz scene. He now plays drum set in several Tucson bands and is an avid cat photographer. Check out his instagram page here.

Stamos, Chris: Chris Stamos is the former COO of and Director of Corporate Philanthropy at Sterling Stamos Capital Management (now Stamos Capital Management), and a copy writer at Saatchi and Saatchi, Taiwan. He studied philosophy, politics, and international relations at Stanford, Oxford, and the International University of Japan, and Mandarin and Chinese philosophy at Wenhua University in Beijing and Taiwan National University.

Vaughn, Amy: Amy M. Vaughn writes weird little books. Among them are Skull Nuggets (Bizarro Pulp Press) and The Shelter (Cabal Books, forthcoming). She is also serving as editor for Dog Doors to Outer Space: A Compilation of Bizarro Writing Prompts (Filthy Loot, forthcoming). Amy lives in Tucson and online wherever writers go to avoid writing.

Walker, Nicole: NICOLE WALKER’s is the author of five books Canning Peaches for the Apocalypse, Egg, Micrograms, Quench Your Thirst with Salt, and This Noisy Egg. She also edited Bending Genre with Margot Singer. She’s nonfiction editor at Diagram and Associate Professor at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Arizona where it rains like the Pacific Northwest, but only in July.

Weaver, Cathy: Many of SlashnBurn’s banner images were shot by Cathy. Cathy Weaver is a Phoenix, Arizona based photographer specializing in outdoor shoots and natural settings. To learn more about Cathy’s work, check out C. W. Photography or follow her at @cathyweaverphotography.